Design Process: Sticky Templates
This will be short because it's quite hard to over-engineer a sticky note... I tried though!
It was surprisingly hard to find a good sticky pad supplier- either it was really hard to peel and then ripped when you tried or they just didn't stick to another surface. I got samples from like 10 different suppliers and landed on this set.

1. Easy To Pass Around
My first design was for DND5e Items, with the idea that you can write it down and pass it to your players/within the party. It would be so easy to peel away and stick it into the inventory section of your journal😉.

2. Perfect Fit
These were measured to fit inside any Sphinx Stationery gaming journal and provides a flexible way for more organization.
< Please imagine an image of 45% sticky adhesive coverage, and then be impressed by that />
3. Supa Sticky
I can't really capture this in pictures, but the adhesive covers 45% of the back compared to your usual 25% coverage of your regular post-it. More surface area = more stick = less budge!
1 comment
I need these, PLEASE!! But also for people and places of interest. That way I could create them as I make notes and use them as an easy reference.