May Update: Let me start off by apologizing... and let me end with some good news
TLDR: I'm sorry for the delays. I swear things are coming. Luckily, when it rains, it pours- soon after the release of the Pathfinder2e and Cypher System journals, the sticky notes and Initiative System will be available, too. Dates to come, stay tuned✌️
The Apology
Let's get real for a second- I've been promising a lot but not delivering. Looking at you, Pathfinder2e journal... So I honestly am very sorry for making you all wait, so patiently, I might add!
I have my reasons, all of them more or less rational. Ultimately, what it comes down to is me being unrealistic about what I could handle while doing this "part time". I was taking on too many projects (like 7 new projects on the go?? ridiculous) and things, inevitably, started to fall through the cracks. And all we have to show for it is delays and me getting burnt out😅
Let's not get too down on ourselves though, because there is light at the end of the tunnel!
The Good News
For all the delays that have been affecting the Pathfinder and Cypher journals, they have finally been sent out and I should be able to get them on sale within the next 1.5 months (for real this time!). AND digital versions will immediately be available too.
Luckily, I haven't experienced any delays with the sticky notes or Initiative System, so these will be available soon after the release of the Pathfinder2e and Cypher System journals. They've all been produced, they just need to be sent!
Oz Comicon was also a success! Thank you for your support and I can't wait to meet more of you at Perth's Supanova!
Other Things
What about Call of Cthulhu and Candela? And other systems?
I'm putting these on a lukewarm hold in an effort to reduce my self-inflicted stress levels. Call of Cthulhu and Candela have been designed, but I will be taking my time to get it through the production pipeline.
Don't you worry, I'm still spending my free time reading a bunch of nerd textbooks- I'm currently indulging in the Vampire the Masquerade Core Rulebook- however, I won't be pressuring myself to crank out designs.
How was your holiday?
Well aren't you sweet for asking😊 I haven't seen my family for a while so it was really nice be able to go on holiday. I think it was long overdue for everyone!