Launching the Pathfinder2e and Cypher Player Journals! - Sphinx Stationery

Launching the Pathfinder2e and Cypher Player Journals!

📅 Launch Date: July 5th, 2024 9AM AWST

You guys have been waiting long enough- I am thrilled to announce the launch of the  Pathfinder2e and Cypher System Player Journals- get ready to enhance your exploration of Golarion and the Ninth World!

(Check out below for information on how to get a discount for this launch👀)


🌅 SupaNova Early Access

For my lovely, Perthians, you will be able to get your hands on these journals THIS WEEKEND at SupaNova. So I'll see you there! Everyone else... you'll have to wait😘


🌟 What’s Inside?

  • Wet Erase Character Sheet: A system-specific character sheet, fitted onto a compact foldout page.
  • The Usual: Everything you need for your world like NPC, city, region and quest tracking.
  • Customized Inventories: In Cypher, there's places to keep track of your oddities, while Pathfinder2e has specific rune slots for weapons and armour.
  • Mechanic-specific Templates: Cypher contains community mechanics, while Pathfinder contains crafting recipe pages specific to their rules.

Check out the Pathfinder and Cypher Spotlights to see inside the covers.



Digital Planner versions will also be available immediately and be included in the offer below!

🎁 Special Launch Offer!

To thank you for your patience, my email list will have an exclusive 15% discount on these two journals and their digital counterparts for the first week. Get on the email list to get the code! 

Happy adventuring!

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